Main board
We have developed two printed circuit boards to enhance Red Pitaya's capabilities. The main board, denoted as CMIPITAYA, has an Eurocard form factor (160 mm x 100 mm) with 96pin Euro connector. It needs to be supplied by ±12 V for the analog part and +5 V for Red Pitaya. It was designed for ±10 V input and output voltages. A Red Pitaya is mounted on top of this board and is connected by two flat cables using its extension connectors. The board features two 8-channel, simultaneously sampling 18-Bit AD converters from Texas Instruments (2× ADS8598H) and one 16-channel 16-Bit DA converter also from Texas Instruments (DAC81416). Input signals for Red Pitaya are routed by using two multiplexers (MUX36S16), one for each input. Communication between Red Pitaya and the converters uses SPI interface driven from the Linux OS on Red Pitaya. There is also RS232 interface that can be used for controlling piezo amplifiers with digital inputs. The I2C interface is also present, however it is not used now.
Electronic board schematics drawing, layout and prototype boards manufacturing was done by Petr Dvořák (email: who also cooperated with us on the design, together with colleagues from the Nenovision company.