Gwyscope Digital Signal Processor is being constantly developed, therefore the presented features can be outdated, but contain at least:
- Feedback loop for contact and non-contact optical lever based SPM probes
- Feedback loop for self-sensing probes (e.g. Akiyama) using FM detection via PLL
- Z piezo signal output through 20-bit DA converter
- 16 simultaneously sampled 18-bit inputs
- 16 independent 16-bit outputs
- Reconfigurable input and output voltage ranges
- Two lock in amplifiers with signal generators 500 Hz to 1.2 MHz
- Third internal generator for lock-in operation at other than generating frequency
- Lateral motion control using serial interface or 20 bit DA converters
- Variety of ways how to perform non-raster and adaptive measurements
- Digital PLL feedback - configurable PLL range up to full range of the lock-in signal generators; configurable lock-in amplitude and phase output filter 100 Hz - 100 kHz
Depending on the rest of the hardware and control software it can be used for various SPM tasks, so far it was used for the following:
- Atomic Force Microscopy and Force-Distance curves acquistion
- Magnetic Force Microscopy in the lift mode
- Conductive AFM, Scanning Thermal Microscopy and other additional signal based SPM methods
- AM Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
- Sideband FM Electrostatic Force Microscopy
- Force Volume data acquisition
Few images of measured structures are shown below:
Silicon carbide steps measured using Akiyama probe and a quick laboratory setup on an optical table.
Nanosensors fun grating measured using custom built tapping mode AFM