Gwyscan library based adaptive scanning

Gwyscan is an open source library for creating non-regular scan paths, developed by Czech Metrology Institute and National Physical Library (UK). It provideds C and Labview interface to create variety of scan paths. More details on the library are here:

P. Klapetek, A. Yacoot, P. Grolich, M. Valtr, D. Nečas, Gwyscan: a library to support non-equidistant scanning probe microscope measurements, Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 (2017) 034015

The path generated by Gwyscan library can be fed into the controller using set_scan_path_data and run_scan_path command. The generated positions during the scan then correspond to the path. As the output data are always containing the x, y and timestamp information, data can be rasterized in Gwyddion or processed directly using its XYZ data handling modules.


The image below shows measurement on a calibration grating performed using regular scan path and spiral scan path, both generated using Gwyscan functions.

Adaptive sampling

Measurement was performed on a custom built setup using PI Hera XY table, open loop z piezo and optical lever based AFM pickup.